We all know there’s comfort to be found in what we know and understand, especially when it comes to those repeatable tasks and tactics within a business where we’ve accumulated significant “muscle memory”.

However, blindly clinging to outdated practices which may be correlated no more than speculatively with real results, has the potential to be hugely detrimental to your organisation’s efficiency and growth - if you aren’t regularly reassessing and realigning with smarter working practices, you could be leaving money on the table.

With that in mind, the purpose of this article is to highlight five outdated practices we see regularly with our clients that might be holding your business back, and suggest practical ways to fix them swiftly and satisfactorily.

#1: Measuring In-Office Time Instead of Productivity

Despite the sizable shifts in ways-of-working we’ve seen in recent years, many businesses still equate the number of hours spent in the office (even if that’s a remote one) with productivity. This mindset not only stifles flexibility but also overlooks the actual value and output of employees.

To counter it, start shifting your focus from time-based metrics to results-oriented performance indicators, and implement project management tools like Asana or Trello which allow you to set clear goals, track progress, and measure outcomes. Encouraging a results-driven culture where employees are rewarded for their achievements rather than their attendance is also crucial. In our experience, this approach not only boosts productivity but also enhances job satisfaction and work-life balance.

A QUICK WIN: Set up bi-weekly check-ins to discuss goals, progress, and challenges. Use these sessions to reinforce the importance of outcomes over hours worked.

#2: Reliance on Manual Data Entry

Manual data entry is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors, which can lead to inefficiencies and inaccuracies in your business processes, including those that power the most fundamental functions.

Automating data entry processes with software solutions like Zapier or Microsoft Power Automate, which allow for integration of various applications that suit your specific needs, reducing the need for manual input and minimising errors. Additionally, ensure that your team is trained to use these tools effectively - from what we see time and time again, automation significantly reduces errors and frees up valuable time for more strategic tasks that can really move the dial.

A QUICK WIN: Identify repetitive data entry tasks and create automation workflows for at least one process this week. Gradually expand to other areas as you see the benefits once you get into the groove of understanding and aligning the available inputs and required outputs.

#3: Technology Loyalty Over Practicality

Sticking to outdated or incompatible technology because of brand loyalty can limit your business's adaptability and efficiency. It’s why adopting a pragmatic approach to technology makes so much sense, and why regularly assessing your tech stack to ensure it meets your current and future needs is crucial.

Consider cross-platform solutions that offer better integration and functionality, even if it means moving away from your preferred brand - we often hear how flexibility in technology choices has led to more innovative solutions and better business outcomes.

A QUICK WIN: Conduct a tech audit this month to identify any tools that are no longer serving your business effectively. Replace at least one outdated tool with a more efficient alternative.

Start shifting your focus from time-based metrics to results-oriented performance indicators

#4: Rigid Hierarchical Structures

Traditional hierarchical structures can slow down decision-making and stifle innovation. Employees at the lower levels may feel disconnected from the decision-making process, leading to disengagement.

Where possible, we suggest embracing a more flexible, flat organisational structure where collaboration and open communication are encouraged. Implementing collaborative tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams can help foster a culture of inclusivity and rapid decision-making, which increases agility and responsiveness across teams.

A QUICK WIN: Create cross-functional teams for specific projects and encourage open brainstorming sessions. Rotate team leadership roles to give different employees the opportunity to lead.

#5: Siloed Software

Using disparate software systems that don’t communicate with each other can lead to data silos, inefficiencies, and a lack of cohesive workflow.

Intentionally integrating your software systems will work to ensure seamless data flow and unified processes. Platforms like Make/Integromat can connect various applications, creating a more cohesive and efficient ecosystem that improves data accuracy and empowers fully informed decision-making.

A QUICK WIN: Choose one critical business process this week and integrate the software tools involved. Monitor the impact on efficiency and expand integration efforts as needed.

It’s fair to say that most businesses have some practices which are more ingrained than maybe they should be, particularly because of the comfort that comes with “that’s the way we’ve always done it.” But, by making some decisions that may be uncomfortable in the short-term and addressing these outdated practices, updates and fixes can be implemented which move an organisation closer to its true potential, driving efficiency and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Just remember, though, that the key to successful digital transformation lies not just in the technology you use, but in the systems and practices you adopt to support your team and enhance your organisational performance.

Want to learn more about modernising and future-proofing your business practices? Follow Via Technology for more practical insights, or connect with us to talk transformation!

About the Author

Dorian is an expert software advisor with a development background that provides a detailed and comprehensive understanding of systems and processes.
Dorian Trevisan
Dorian is an expert software advisor with a development background that provides a detailed and comprehensive understanding of systems and processes.
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